Spend your wealth

The prophet () said: “Spend, and do not count, lest Allah counts against you. Do not withhold your money, lest Allah withholds from you. Spend what you can.” [Bukhari].

Many of us hold back too much with our money and wealth, hoarding our money and depriving ourselves and the people around us of good that we know we can afford. Allah has given us wealth to spend in this world; every penny spent with good intentions on good things is obeying the commandments of Allah and if spent on others is considered a Sadaqah (charity in the way of Allah).

The prophet () said: “The Lord’s commandment for every one of His slaves is, ‘Spend on others, and I will spend on you’.” [Bukhari]

Ahmad narrated: “The prophet () saw me wearing old, tattered clothes, and asked me, ‘Do you have any wealth?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘What kind of wealth?’ I said, ‘All that Allah has given me of camels and sheep.’ He said, ‘Then show the generous blessings that He has given you.’ [Tirmidhi]

The prophet () also said: “Allah loves to see the effects of His blessing on His slave.” [Tirmidhi]

This is not to be confused with wasting or extravagance – we will discuss this in a future post if god wills.

Let us spend from our wealth, to the limits Allah has given us, and not withhold His blessing upon us.

“Let the rich man spend according to his means, and the man whose resources are restricted, let him spend according to what Allah has given him. Allah puts no burden on any person beyond what He has given him” [65:7]

Allah knows best.

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