How does one become a Muslim?

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

We will begin by eradicating the misconception that Islam is more inclined to the people that are born in Muslim families. This is a big issue especially in the time we live in today.

The advantage of guidance is not in favour of those born into Muslim or non-Muslim families. Allah knows His creation; the souls He put in Muslim surroundings are just as inclined to Islam as those who are not. We are all given signs throughout our lives for the existence of the creator and it is up to us to follow these signs.

Disbelief is not ‘not knowing’ about Allah – disbelief is disobedience. Therefore, someone who claims to be a Muslim can still disbelieve.

Let us take note of an important aspect when it comes to Islam: deep down every living soul yearns for the worship of Allah:

And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam – from their loins – their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], “Am I not your Lord?” They said, “Yes, we have testified.” [This] – lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, “Indeed, we were of this unaware.” 7:172

Every soul before placed in the bodily form stood upon the creator and testified of His dominion. This was then wiped as we were put in the human form in order to be tested.

This is why we reach points in 0ur lives in which we question our existence. Why are we here and what happens when we pass? Curiosities were placed upon the humans in order to find their way to Allah.

There is no limit as to who can be become a Muslim. In Islam we believe that every human is born a Muslim up until the age of puberty then one is to make their choice. It is as this age that questions arise within us – the natural urge to seek guidance in life pre-programmed by Allah. We choose whether to follow these feelings. With sincerity, an open mind and most importantly an open heart, one will undoubtedly find that Islam has the answers to everything and that Allah is the one and only creator.

The Islamic message sent with many prophets in history teaching the world about the way of Allah and showing people the truth with proof.

Allah says in the Qur’an:

“He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah and that which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus – to establish the religion and not be divided therein. Difficult for those who associate others with Allah is that to which you invite them. Allah chooses for Himself whom He wills and guides to Himself whoever turns [to Him].” 42:13

Allah simply orders mankind to open up to Him. Put aside the bias and what we hear from the people opposing Islam without any knowledge. One must be sincere and Allah will guide one to Him.

His scripture is unparalleled with zero contradictions; scientific, mathematical and historical miracles; and guidance unlike any other. Allah challenges the world to form anything similar to the Qur’an:

“If all mankind and the jinn would come together to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce its like even though they exerted all their strength in aiding one another.” 17:88

It is also mentioned in the Qur’an that any other scripture claiming to be the word of God will contain contradictions:

“Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction.” 4:82

The way to Allah is made easy. Open your heart, ponder over Allah’s words and seek knowledge. He does not turn His back on His creation.

NOTE: When one is given a reference of the Qur’an or narration of the prophet () one must always find the source. Where was this information obtained from? If it is not from the word of Allah or from the teachings of the prophet () then one must know that it is not from Islam – this will ensure the teachings are correct.

Let us not allow this world to cloud our minds and our true purpose in life. Let us call on those who are lost, looking for guidance and show them the path to Allah. May Allah guide us all, Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Allah knows best.

Homosexuality in Islam

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

From the start we must understand that it is the homosexual act that is prohibited in Islam. Many of us forget that feelings are not what is condemned in our religion but merely the actions we commit and the intentions that go with those acts.

There are many people in the world who are being tested by Allah through the feelings they may have for the same gender. These feelings do not account for the actions they proceed with as it is merely following their desires.

Just as the rest of the world is tested through their lives, these people are also tested with this burden as Islam does not allow same sex relations at all. We must see however, that there are people tested in much more severe manners in the world thus the homosexual feelings issue is not to be seen as something unfair.

Allah is just and knows his creation – He mentions in the Qur’an:

“Allah does not burden a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned.” 2:286

Many Muslims in the world act as the judge, jury and executioner when it comes to this matter. We immediately jump into conclusions about such people when in reality we are obliged to call them to the correct path whether Muslim or not.

It is not our place to judge people, neither do we have the right to put people below us. This right belongs to Allah alone and only He has the right to see His creation as He pleases.

On the other hand Allah in the Qur’an gives us the example of the people of Lut who took these feelings and acted upon them:

Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people.” 7:81

But the answer of his people was only that they said, “Evict them from your city! Indeed, they are men who keep themselves pure.” 7:82

So We saved him and his family, except for his wife; she was of those who remained [with the evildoers]. 7:83

And We rained upon them a rain [of stones]. Then see how was the end of the criminals. 7:84

They as a nation were destroyed due to their obscene behaviour and rampant homosexual acts. This puts it very clearly that these acts are a major sin in Islam. Just because one has feelings does not give one the right to act upon them.

We must understand that Islam does not condone the capital punishment for acts which an individual harms oneself i.e. done privately. These judgements will be between them and Allah. It is only condoned upon major acts done publicly; harming the people in society around them after a rigorous trial and proof with witnesses.

We see today in Muslim countries the killings of homosexual people and others carried out without trial, proof or any other means. This is not the way of Islam and the people carrying out these killings will be questioned by Allah for their actions.

Let us call these people and others to the way of the true Islam that teaches us peace and mercy. What image are we putting out there for the people looking for a way of life?

Allah knows best.

The importance of family relationships

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Many of us Muslims especially the later generations forget how important it is to keep family bonds.

Let us begin with a warning from Allah in the Qu’ran:

“And those who break the covenant of Allah, after its ratification, and sever that which Allah has commanded to be joined (i.e. they sever the bond of kinship and are not good to their relatives) and work mischief in the land, on them is the curse, and for them is the unhappy home (i.e. Hell)” 13:25

Severing ties with family members whether this occurs within the household or out is taken very seriously in Islam. The prophet () mentions: “There is no sin more deserving of having punishment meted out by Allah to its perpetrator in advance in this world along with what He stores up for him in the next world than oppression and severing ties of family.” [Tirmidhi]

Someone asked the Holy Prophet (“What is the way of saving oneself in the Hereafter?” He replied: “You maintain the ties (of relationship) with the one who severed it with you, you give to the one who deprived you, and you forgive the one who wronged you.” [Tirmidhi]

Islam is here to set all relationships right. Today we see not only the severing of ties but backbiting, cheating and hurting our relatives. These are all major sins and they are even more major when done with relatives.

“O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.” 49:12

We talk about each other in the most horrible of fashions. We mistreat one another whether in small or big things.

We also find now the youth mistreating their parents – breaking ties over a small issue. Brothers and sisters that have not spoken in years.

We all know if we are severing ties and we all know that they need to be fixed. There is no excuse at all no matter what the other may have done in our lives. We need to ask ourselves, is it worth jeopardising our afterlife? 

Let us all take heed and bring together the family members that we have pushed away and those who have pushed us away, let them be our path into jannah.

Allah knows best.

Beautiful narrations about Jannah

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Live everyday knowing that the deeds you are performing and the sins you are abstaining from are not for nothing. Allah knows your struggles, big and small, and all are being recorded.

Let us reflect on what is awaiting the true believers in the next life. As much as we try to imagine, we will never truly grasp the beauty of Jannah. We make du’a that every Muslim is united in paradise.

Allah knows best.

Jumu’ah sunnah – surat Al Kahf

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

It was described from Abu Sa’eed al-Khduri that the prophet (ﷺ) said: “Whoever reads Surat al-kahf on Friday, he will be illuminated with light between the two Fridays.” (Narrated by al-Haakim; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani)

What are the rights of parents and children?

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


The first and foremost decree Allah placed on his creation is to worship Him alone. Partnered up with this order is kindness to parents. Allah could have chosen any other factor here but specifically mentioned the parents to emphasise the importance of it.

Allah forbade any form of contemptuous speech towards the parents; mentioned in the Qur’an:

“And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], “uff,” and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.” 17:23

The word given in Arabic is “oof” and even this simple groan of scorn is forbidden let alone any harsh or foul words. The importance of this is to the extent of that how you treat your parents can determine your fate in the afterlife.

A man said, “Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) what rights can parents demand from their children?” He replied, “They are your Paradise and your Hell.”” [Tirmidhi]

This shows that your good actions will mean nothing if you do not treat your parents properly. Many of us will be carrying out the 5 pillars of Islam, doing a lot of good in the world but disrespect our parents. Our deeds will be worthless in this case.

“Abdullah ibn Amr related that the Messenger of Allah said: The major sins are to believe that Allah has partners, to disobey one’s parents, to commit murder, and to bear false witness.” [Bukhari]

It is the duty of the children to obey the parents as far as it is not unjust or against the demands of Allah.

There many other ayahs and narrations in regards to the importance of parents in Islam. What we must always keep in mind is that they are a responsibility which is not taken lightly in Islam.

The relationship between parents and children is summarised in the following hadith:

“A man came to the Prophet and said, ‘O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet said: Your mother. The man said, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man further asked, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man asked again, ‘Then who?’ The Prophet said: Then your father.” [Bukhari]


Respect in terms of parents and children must go both ways. Many parents forget that their children will follow in their footsteps. Therefore, disrespecting their children will inevitably push them to become disrespectful to them and to others.

It is also the responsibility of parents to not be hypocritical to their children. This will drive them away from Islam.

Parents must also realise that culture will not be the same with the children. They have and are growing up in a completely different environment. Methods of parenting based on culture will simply drive the children away – they must be parented based on their own surroundings.


Both parents and the youth have rights in their own way. There is no denying however, that the rights of the parents supersede those of the children as they are the ones who raised us.

We came into this world helpless and vulnerable. Our parents took care of us and will always put us before themselves.

“And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, ‘My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.'” 17:24

Children must take it not as a burden but a gateway to jannah: “Abdullah ibn Mas’ud RA said: “I asked the Prophet SAWS, ‘Which deed is most liked by Allah SWT?’  He said, ‘Prayer offered on time.’ I asked him, ‘Then what?’ He said, ‘Kindness and respect towards parents.’ I asked him, ‘Then what?’ He said, ‘Jihad for the sake of Allah  SWT.’” ” [Bukhari]

Allah knows best.