Etiquette of eating and drinking

The prophet (ﷺ) left us with many of his actions to follow regarding the consumption of food and drink. These actions ensure the most blessing in what we put in our stomachs.


The messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “When any of you wants to eat, he should mention the Name of Allah in the begining, (i.e., say Bismillah). If he forgets to do it in the beginning, he should say Bismillah awwalahu wa akhirahu (I begin with the Name of Allah at the beginning and at the end).” [Tirmidhi]

This will push away the shaytan from eating one’s food with them. Our understanding of this is not that the shaytan will eat the way we physically eat but he eats in the unseen. The unseen cannot be explained with logic or with our limited understanding of the world.

The prophet (ﷺ) was sitting while a man was eating food. That man did not mention the Name of Allah (before commencing to eat) till only a morsel of food was left. When he raised it to his mouth, he said: “Bismillah awwalahu wa akhirahu (With the Name of Allah, in the beginning and in the end).” Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) smiled at this and said, “Satan had been eating with him but when he mentioned the Name of Allah, Satan vomited all that was in his stomach.” [Ahmad]

Mentioning the name of Allah before eating also puts His blessing in the food allowing more people to be satisfied by eating less.

The prophet (ﷺ) was eating with his six Companions when a desert Arab came and ate up the food in two mouthfuls. Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Had he mentioned the Name of Allah, it would have sufficed for all of you.” [Tirmidhi]


The prophet (ﷺ) never found fault with food. If he had inclination to eating it, he would eat; and if he disliked it, he would leave it. [Bukhari]

We should never insult any kind of food as there are people out there who are starving and we do not know the blessing that food may have. At the same time, we should not force feed ourselves foods that we do not like as the prophet (ﷺ) did not eat what he did not enjoy.


A man ate with his left hand in the presence of Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), whereupon he said, “Eat with your right hand.” The man said: “I cannot do that.” Thereupon he the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “May you not be able to do that.” It was vanity that prevented him from doing it and he could not raise it (the right hand) up to his mouth afterwards. [Muslim]


‘Umar bin Abu Salamah reported:
I was a boy under the care of Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), and as my hand used to wander around in the dish, he (ﷺ) said to me once, “Mention Allah’s Name (i.e., say Bismillah), eat with your right hand, and eat from what is in front of you.” [Bukhari]

It is important that when sharing a plate with others to eat from your side of it; we should not wander our hands into other’s areas.

Related: The prophet (ﷺ) said, “Blessing descends upon food in its middle, so eat from the sides of the vessel and do not eat from its middle.” [Tirmidhi]


Some of the Companions of Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “We eat but are not satisfied.” He (ﷺ) said, “Perhaps you eat separately.” The Companions replied in affirmative. He then said: “Eat together and mention the Name of Allah over your food. It will be blessed for you.” [Abu Dawud]

It is important to eat as a group when we can as there is more blessing in shared food. If one finds oneself not getting full, it is probably due to eating alone.


Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “I do not eat reclining (against a pillow).” [Bukhari]

This has been proven to increase pressure in the stomach which makes it more likely for the food to be pushed up the Oesophagus; it is generally unhealthy and should be avoided.


The prophet (ﷺ) commanded the licking of fingers and the gleaning of the dish, saying, “You do not know in which portion the blessing lies.” [Muslim]

Blessing can be placed throughout the entire dish or merely some portions of it; to ensure this blessed morsels are consumed it is always best to consume what we have placed on the plate and also any food that may have fallen.

The messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “When a morsel of any of you falls, he should pick it up and remove any of the dirt on it and then eat it, and should not leave it for Satan nor should wipe his hand with towel until he has licked his fingers, for he does not know in what portion of the food the blessing lies.” [Muslim]


Ka’b bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I saw Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) eating with three fingers (i.e., the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger) and licking them after having finished the food. [Muslim]

When eating with our hands we should not use more than 3 fingers to pick up the food which ensures that we do not get greedy.


The messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “The food of one person suffices for two, the food of two persons suffices for four persons, and the food of four persons suffices for eight persons.” [Muslim]

We should never think that there is not enough food for someone else, we should always share the blessing when others are around.


The prophet (ﷺ) said, “Do not drink in one gulp like a camel, but in two or three (gulps). Mention the Name of Allah (i.e., say Bismillah) when you start drinking and praise Him (i.e., say Al-hamdulillah) after you have finished (drinking).” [Tirmidhi]

The messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to breathe three times in the course of a drink (he used to drink in three gulps). [Bukhari]

It has been proven in modern science that drinking too fast or too much at once can cause dilution of the blood which may cause faster excretion of water by the kidneys. Slow gulps ensure satisfaction without excess water and prevents putting pressure on the kidneys.


The Prophet (ﷺ) forbade breathing into the vessel (of food or drink). [Bukhari]

Many of us blow at food or drink especially when it is hot; the prophet (ﷺ) did not like this act.


Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) forbade us from drinking while standing. Qatadah reported: “We asked him: ‘What about eating?”‘ He said: “That is even worse, (or may be he said) more detestable.” [Muslim]

Another narration is: Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) reprimanded us for drinking while standing. [Muslim]

It has been proven that eating and drinking when sitting is the most healthy method of consumption.


Hudhaifah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Prophet (ﷺ) prohibited us from wearing brocade or silk and drinking out of gold or silver vessels and said, “These are meant for them (disbelievers) in this world and for you in the Hereafter.” [Bukhari]


The messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, The son of Adam cannot fill a vessel worse than his stomach, as it is enough for him to take a few morsels to straighten his back. If he cannot do it, then he may fill it with a third of his food, a third of his drink, and a third of his air.” [Tirmidhi]

He (ﷺ) also said: “A believer eats in one intestine (is satisfied with a little food), and a kafir (unbeliever) or a hypocrite eats in seven intestines (eats too much).” [Bukhari]

This is regarded as extremely important for one’s health. Over-eating is the cause of many diseases not only associated with obesity; there are many diseases that one does not necessarily have to be overweight to suffer from – it all roots from filling the stomach too much. It weakens the body’s metabolism and makes us lazy and is also involved in the weakening of imane making it more difficult to worship Allah according to many scholarly views, thus the main reason of this advice from the prophet (ﷺ).

This is not to say that two people are satisfied by the same amount of food; stomach sizes vary and so do food portions. It is also not to say that one should deprive oneself from food to the point of feeling lethargic and weak, it is merely the teaching of the prophet (ﷺ) that we should eat less for our own benefit.

Let us end with the word of Allah:

“O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.” 7:31

Allah knows best.

Spend your wealth

The prophet () said: “Spend, and do not count, lest Allah counts against you. Do not withhold your money, lest Allah withholds from you. Spend what you can.” [Bukhari].

Many of us hold back too much with our money and wealth, hoarding our money and depriving ourselves and the people around us of good that we know we can afford. Allah has given us wealth to spend in this world; every penny spent with good intentions on good things is obeying the commandments of Allah and if spent on others is considered a Sadaqah (charity in the way of Allah).

The prophet () said: “The Lord’s commandment for every one of His slaves is, ‘Spend on others, and I will spend on you’.” [Bukhari]

Ahmad narrated: “The prophet () saw me wearing old, tattered clothes, and asked me, ‘Do you have any wealth?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘What kind of wealth?’ I said, ‘All that Allah has given me of camels and sheep.’ He said, ‘Then show the generous blessings that He has given you.’ [Tirmidhi]

The prophet () also said: “Allah loves to see the effects of His blessing on His slave.” [Tirmidhi]

This is not to be confused with wasting or extravagance – we will discuss this in a future post if god wills.

Let us spend from our wealth, to the limits Allah has given us, and not withhold His blessing upon us.

“Let the rich man spend according to his means, and the man whose resources are restricted, let him spend according to what Allah has given him. Allah puts no burden on any person beyond what He has given him” [65:7]

Allah knows best.

The seven under the shade of Allah

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

As mentioned in a previous post, on Judgement Day the sun will be placed a mile above the heads of the people. The prophet () mentioned 7 whom Allah will place under His shade:

“There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man [or woman] whose heart is attached to the mosques; two friends who love each other for Allah’s sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but be says: ‘I fear Allah’; a man [or woman] who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives in charity; and a man [or woman] who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears.” [Bukhari]

  1. A just ruler: This is for the ruler who was just to the people – muslim or non-Muslim, relative or stranger, friend or enemy – giving them all their rights.
  2. A youth who grew up worshipping Allah: It is in youth that a person is most vulnerable to the temptations of life. This position under the shade is for the people who withheld themselves from a young age, striving instead to worship Allah.
  3. A person who’s heart is attached to the mosque: This is the worshipper who spends their time in the Masjid, loves the gathering for prayer, Qur’an and feels at rest in the house of Allah.
  4. Relations for the sake of Allah: These are the people who gather together for the sake of Allah. Worship, conversing about the deen etc. They gather for the love of Allah and depart for that.
  5. A chaste man: Sexual temptations are one of the most difficult trials upon humans especially for the man. Sexual callings by a woman to a man is one of the hardest things that a man has to resist. Therefore, those who are called by a woman for such acts and rejects for the sake of Allah, they will have a great reward, one of which being under Allah’s shade.
  6. Hidden charity: These are the people who give charity without anybody knowing; they do it merely for the sake of Allah. They give without the need or want for recognition by others.
  7. Shedding private tears: There are people who merely do good deeds for the sake of appearing good in front of others. However, there is a place for those who fear Allah in private; remember Him when nobody is around and shed tears in His remembrance whether through the Qur’an or other.

May Allah make us all from at least one of these seven to be granted a noble position under the His throne on that day.

Allah knows best.

Consistent good actions

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

The prophet () said: “The most beloved actions to Allah are those performed consistently, even if they are few.” [Bukhari]

This could even be reading a page or half a page of Qur’an before bed; praying an extra Sunnah prayer after Isha; any good deed that will bring up Allah’s love for us. Imagine the benefit that an extra 10 or so minutes of worship a day can bring us.

Allah knows best.

Are arranged marriages condoned in Islam?

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Let us first distinguish between arranged marriages and forced marriages as there is quite a big difference. Arranged involves both sides either using the help of family and friends to find a suitable spouse with both parties accepting the final decision. Forced however, does not offer a choice and it is usually the women who are victimised.

Arranged marriages are widespread amongst the Muslims communities around the world. It offers a way for the people wishing to find a spouse through the recommendations of people within their circle. This is not however, merely the choice of the parents; they cannot simply attempt to marry off the couple for their own social or personal reasons. The needs of the couple are what is used as the basis for the search – they cannot be pushed into any arrangement that they do not want.

Recommendations are usually given to the man as it is his responsibility to take the first step alongside the father. When a suitable partner is chosen, the couple must look at 4 things as mentioned in a previous post. The prophet () said “A woman may be married for four things: Her wealth, her lineage, her beauty or for her religion. Choose the religious, may your hands be rubbed with dust (i.e. may you prosper).” [Tirmidhi]

While the hadith may be talking about choosing a woman, it refers to both sexes. The most important aspect to look for is the deen. However, this does not mean that one is to ignore their preferences regarding physical beauty as attraction is part of marriage. It is simply much more important to prioritise the religion and without religion, one cannot get married in Islam. Allah says in the Qur’an:

“And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.” 2:221

Forced marriages are prohibited in our religion. Islam regards marriage as a right of the individual and therefore others cannot make the decision for them. If a woman/man is forced in marriage then the marriage would not be valid in front of Allah. If this happens then those who forced the marriage and those who allowed it are both guilty and have committed a major sin.

Khansa bint Khidam Al-Ansariya narrated: that her father gave her in marriage when she was a matron and she disliked that marriage. So she went to Allah’s messenger (ﷺ) and he declared that marriage invalid. [Bukhari]

Allah knows best.

Alcohol and drugs in Islam

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Most Muslims understand that consuming any alcoholic substance is forbidden. However, we find today that there are also many who say that drugs such as Marijuana are acceptable and the use of alcohol is not directly forbidden in the Qur’an. These Muslims make various claims to try and make these illicit substances permissible.

There is a misconception in our religion that “the Qur’an does not mention anything about drugs, it only mentions alcohol and it does not directly say it is haram”. Allah says in the Qur’an:

“O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah ], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.

Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist?” 5:90-91

Allah clearly tells us that intoxicants are the work of the Shaytan. The word used is “khamr” which is derived from the word “khimar” which means “to cover”. Intoxicants “cover” the mind, taking the user out of their normal mental state. This in turn pushes the mind away from remembering Allah which means one will be capable of performing all other sins without even realising it – it is known as the key to all evils. Allah mentions the prayer as well specifically to highlight the severity of this sin; it pushes away the prayer and in turn user’s belief will go with it.

Now the questions is, what covers the mind in such a manner? Almost all drugs including alcohol and what the West deems to be “soft drugs” intoxicate the mind. This does not only include illegal drugs but also legal substances such as morphine; if it used outside of the prescription of a registered doctor it will be classed as impermissible in Islam. Only out of necessity for one’s health may these be administered by professionals.  Many over the counter pills are in the same category.

Allah also says in the Qur’an:

“They ask you about wine [intoxicants] and gambling. Say, ‘In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit.’ And they ask you what they should spend. Say, ‘The excess [beyond needs].’ Thus Allah makes clear to you the verses [of revelation] that you might give thought.” 2:219

The fact is that we all know what an intoxicant is and if we are taking them in the haram manner, and we all understand the physical harms alongside the spiritual issues. Allah does not prohibit something without there being benefit for us. He is the creator, He knows His creation better than we know ourselves.

Allah knows best.