Allah designed you

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Allah says in the Qur’an:

“It is Allah who made for you the earth a place of settlement and the sky a ceiling and moulded you and perfected your forms and provided you with good things. That is Allah, your Lord; then blessed is Allah, Lord of the worlds.” [40:64]

Allah mentions multiple times in the Qur’an that He created us. What’s different about this ayah is that He uses the word “sawarakoum” which translates to “moulded”, meaning He designed us in a beautiful manner. For us to hate the way we look is an insult to Allah and is even worse when we do it to others.

We see Muslims out there going too far to look a certain way, a way that was formed by Western society to define what is “attractive” when this is not from Islam. Allah moulded everything and everyone in their own beautiful way.

The other side of the spectrum is extreme vanity. There is no doubt we as Muslims must take pride of our appearance, in a way which pleases Allah as He is beautiful and He loves beauty. However, reaching the point of looking down on others or being arrogant because of how we look is not the right path.

Allah knows best.

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