Modern liberalism

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Modern liberalism – which has become a very common approach towards life amongst human beings and has become more of an ideology rather than merely a political movement – has distorted the view on religions or the notion of a creator/God. The idea that one should “do whatever you want as long as you are do not harm anyone else” is an absolute fallacy. “Harm” is defined differently depending on the people’s culture, background, religious beliefs and personal experiences. One thing that is not considered harmful in one place maybe considered extremely damaging in another.

Yet the West has taken it upon themselves to overrule the world’s opinions with theirs; setting their own baseless, subjective beliefs on what is right and wrong all in the name of “freedom”; but are they really free?

It is a fact that in this dunya, we are a slave to something. A slave to a society, a culture, a religion, a trend or to our own souls. Allah says in the Qur’an:

..the soul is a persistent enjoiner of evil, except those upon which my Lord has mercy.


There is no doubt that the soul calls us towards evil doings, alongside the Shaytan. As human beings we will always to be bound to something and we make the choice of what it is we tie ourselves to. Liberalism essentially tells mankind to follow what the soul calls on us to do, without any objective reasoning; which is what animals do. No basis as to why we are to follow what is said, no root to the logic they spring out of nowhere and constantly changing throughout the times thus unstable.

Liberalism claims that the world is “progressing”, but how can we tell as human beings if progress is being made if it is all subjective?

Let’s take a moral example such as same sex relations. Go back only pre-1967, homosexuality was a punishable offence in the West. Nowadays, to simply speak against it is illegal, regardless of the liberal view on “free speech”. There are various clearly harmful effects homosexual relations have on an individual level as well as on a societal level and yet they are completely overshadowed by the “needs” of certain people.

Not only are liberal values contradictory, they are also inconsistent. Continuing on a similar route, take incestuous relationships. This is still frowned upon by the West, yet it follows the same trail as homosexuality. They cause the same kind of harm as each other yet one is looked up upon and the other is looked down upon. Why? The least liberalism can do is be consistent but they are clearly not.

The only way mankind can form a consistent, stable and clear moral compass is by looking at the world around us – where mankind came from, why we exist and where we are going. If we sincerely ask these questions we will find that religion has the answers; answers that many people do not wish to find answers to or simply deny without proof. Then looking at all the religions we find that there is only one which has been consistent throughout the times and with zero contradictions.

Allah answers liberalism in the Qur’an, He says:

but if the truth were in accordance with their desires, the heavens, the earth, and everyone in them would disintegrate. Rather, We have brought them their Reminder and they turn away from it.


There is no doubt that the world cannot function without Allah’s guidance. If the entire world was run by people who simply follow their own whims, make their own rules and rights, we would see great corruption, and we see a great amount of it today. Thus why in the end of times, when the world is reaching its edge, believers will be non-existent. The very small amount of Muslims left will be taken away and all that will be left behind is the corruption. And through the prophet’s (ﷺ) prophecies, we know that the time is near.

May Allah make us slaves to Him alone and protect us and the future generations from corrupted ideologies, both within our own Ummah and out.

Allah knows best.

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